Here is a list of known typos and editorial corrections on your original tutorial handout. These errors are fixed in the online version of cs105.pdf. p. 8 - 3rd sentence of Octal shortand section: Change "Once" to "One". p. 24 - In the 2nd paragraph, the string 'hello' should be in single quotation marks. p. 26 - In the first bullet in the middle of the page, change the parenthesis '(' to a comma. p. 48 - In the add5 program, the variable NextNumber needs to be declared as an integer. p. 50 - The 2nd and 4th loops feature a "print" statement that should be "writeln". p. 84 - In example #1, "record" is not a legal variable name. Let's change it to "percentage". p. 85 - In example #2, the name of the function find_sum is misspelled in the last line of the function. Change fund_sum to find_sum.