CS 16 -- Fall 2007

This is a demonstration HTML (hypertext) document. Here is the Tic-Tac-Toe Spreadsheet game

Here are some links:
Furman's CS Department
Yahoo (index site and search engine)
The Age (an Australian newspaper -- see tomorrow's news!)
Here's a Sports link.
An overview and history of Graphical User Interfaces.

Listen to "Oranje-Blanje-Blou".
More SA music: here

A cuckoo clock (inside a paragraph):

A goose (not in its own paragraph):
Test dates (un-ordered list)

The 4 parts of Der Ring des Nibelungen (ordered list):
  1. Das Rheingold
  2. Die Walküre
  3. Siegfried
  4. Götterdämmerung

HTML can handle accent marks too! A couple examples:
"Every cloud has a silver lining" is a cliché.
Would you like to order your food à la carte?