CS 16 (101) Spring 2009 Test #2 Answers

1.       F – The operating system is the most essential piece of software on the computer because it manages the entire machine.

2.       F – Most databases consist of 4 types of objects:  tables, queries, forms and reports.  The only one that is required is the table, and this is where we begin when we want to create a database.

3.       A – The <h1> or heading 1 code creates a very large font size in HTML, so it is often used for titles that you see at the top of a Web page.  Secondary headings are also used when you want to subdivide text on a page and have minor titles of sections, so we have <h2>, <h3>, etc.  An analogy would be the title of a book, chapter, section would have different font sizes because of their relative importance.

4.       F – When you see a question that says “differs from” like this one, we basically are looking for a statement that is true for the first (jump menu) but false for the second (navigation bar).  Looking at the answer choices:  a navigation bar can be edited after creation and consists of rollover images; a rollover image is one type of interactive image; in lab we created a nav bar that highlights text similar to a jump menu; both can arrange links vertically.  Thus, the answer is none of the above.

5.       D – We need to read the first 3 answer choices to see how many are true.  We are not required to name our images folder anything in particular.  We have often found it convenient to preview Web pages while working in Dreamweaver.  And we have resized images.  So, 2 of the statements are true.

6.       B – When you hold down on the shift key while hitting return, you are going on to the next line while not starting a new paragraph.  It’s just a line break.

7.       B  – The <b> HTML tag refers to a bold font.

8.       F – The first Web browsers were created in 1992 and 1993, for example Mosaic.

9.       C – A layer cannot have scroll bars.  Both layers and frames can be resized.  But what is unique about layers is that they can overlap, as you saw in the 2nd Dreamweaver lab when you made the diagram of the dining room table.

10.   D – The one thing you do not need to tell Goal Seek is the answer to the question, which is the value needed in the input cell to achieve the goal.

11.   B – If we want Excel to fill in one missing input value in a formula, we use Goal Seek.

12.   A – “egpyt” is a misspelling of Egypt.  When we put a minus in front of egypt, we are telling the search engine to filter out all pages in which Egypt is spelled correctly.

13.   F – The first part of a Web address is the name of the server, name of organization, and the domain.  All three of these put together give us the name of the site.  But “abc” in this case is just the server.

14.   A – Sans serif means a font without feet, meaning that the bottoms of letters such as n, h, i, l, f do not flare out.  Proportional means that letters have different widths, most notably l and W.

15.   B – The binary search strategy says that we should cut our list in half repeatedly until we have narrowed the search down to a single item in the list.  So, if our list begins with 8000, we are asking how many times we need to cut this number in half until we reach 1.  Put another way, this is saying how many times must we double 1 until we reach 8000.  In other words, which power of 2 exceeds 8000, which is the 13th.

16.   E – The first text formatter, runoff, was created about 40 years ago.  The main thing that sets text formatters apart from word processors is that, like HTML, you need to enter manually the formatting commands, embedded in the text of the document.  It’s also true that after running the text formatter program (e.g. LaTeX or Groff), the resulting postscript file can be deleted once you don’t need it anymore.  It can be recreated again when necessary.  Thus, all 3 statements are true.

17.   D – Let’s estimate.  On a page of ordinary plain text, we may see about 60 lines.  And on each line there could be up to 80 characters.  Perhaps less because not every line will be full.  So, the number of characters on the line is a little less than 60*80 or about 4000 characters.  English text can use ASCII code, which uses 1 byte per character, so we have about 4KB.

18.   B – Each row of a table is a record.  One easy way to remember is that both words start with ‘r’  J.

19.   A – On the other hand, we call the columns of a table “fields” or attributes.  Don’t be fooled by most of the other answer choices:  remember that tables, queries, forms and reports are the 4 parts of a database, while this question is asking about the format of a table.

20.   C – Here is another question where it may be helpful to remember that question and query both start with ‘q’.  J

21.   D – For each character of the password, we have a choice of selecting a lowercase letter, a capital letter or a digit.  So, we have 62 choices for the first character of a password.  Same with the 2nd character, also 62 choices, and so on.  If our password has 8 characters, we are making 8 separate choices, and we multiply our possibilities.  62*62*62*…*62 = 628.

22.   A – We want to know what is true about word processing and false about text formatting.  The first statement is true:  word processing is WYSIWYG.  But the 2nd statement would be true about both text formatters and word processors.  The 3rd statement is false.  Most people find word processors much easier.  So, we only want the first statement.

23.   B – In this question, we are asking the mid( ) function to give us 5 characters from B2.  The search function is telling us where to begin, which is where the comma is inside B2.  In other words, the formula is asking for us to print 5 characters starting with the comma.

24.   F – All are duties of the operating system except for decoding instructions, which is done in hardware by the CPU.  (Recall the fetch-decode cycle.)

25.   D – There are 72 points in one inch.

26.   F – The thing to remember here is that a server is just a machine.  It is not a person, not an organization, not a computer program, not a file or set of files.

27.   C – In the general problem-solving procedure, after you have figured out a solution in English, it needs to be written in a programming language.  (After that, you would compile and run the program.)

28.   D – <p> is the paragraph tag.

29.   F – Bullets are lists that are not numbered.  In other words we want an unordered list.  (An ordered list has numbers.)  HTML abbreviates unordered list as <ul>.  As an aside, note that the individual bulleted items will still be marked as <li> whether the list is ordered or unordered.

30.   C – This is a good practical thing to remember about Dreamweaver.  Whenever you return to working on your Web site, you need to tell it which folder contains your Website.  Otherwise you risk having your links not work or files not saved to the appropriate place.

31.   C – Hypertext files have names that usually end in .htm or .html.

32.   B – A hotspot is a portion of an image that is used as a link.  This is very useful when you have a map or large picture and you want to have different links depending on where in the image the user clicks.

33.   A – A database usually consists of tables, queries, forms and reports.  The purpose of a form is to enter input on one record in some table.

34.   B

35.   D

36.   C

37.   B

38.   D

39.   C

40.   E

41.   B

42.   A

43.   B

44.   A

45.   D

46.   E

47.   B

48.   C

49.   D

50.   F