Answers to Algebra Review 1. First, regroup the terms according to the base (3 versus 5): 12(3^(n-1)) - 2(3^n) - 15(5^(n-1)) + 5^n Now, we need to raise each exponent to n+1, instead of n and n-1. Remember that when you raise an exponent, you need to compensate by multiplying by a small coefficient. For example, to re-write 3^n as 3^(n+1), we need to multiply by 1/3: 3^n = (1/3) 3^(n+1). Similarly, to re-write 3^(n-1) as 3^(n+1), we need to multiply by 1/9: 3^(n-1) = (1/9) 3^(n+1). This technique applies to each term in the expression: (12/9) 3^(n+1) - (2/3) 3^(n+1) - (15/25) 5^(n+1) + (1/5) 5^(n+1) And we can conbine like terms and simplify. (12/9 - 2/3) 3^(n+1) + (-3/5 + 1/5) 5^(n+1) = (2/3) 3^(n+1) + (-2/5) 5^(n+1) And we see that p = 2/3 and q = -2/5. 2a. Factor the equation: (x+6)(x-2) = 0 --> x = -6 or 2 2b. Use the quadratic formula: 3 +/- sqrt(21) x = -------------- 2 2c. For a cubic equation, let's use synthetic substitution to identify factors. +1 doesn't work as a root, but -1 does: -1 / 1 0 -7 -6 ---- -1 1 6 ----------------- 1 -1 -6 0 The "0" means a remainder of 0, so we see that (x+1) is a divisor, and the quotient is (x^2 - x - 6), which we can easily factor. Therefore, x^3 - 7x -6 = (x+1)(x-3)(x+2) (x+1)(x-3)(x+2) = 0 --> x = -1, -2, 3 3a. To cancel the b's let's multiply the first equation by 4 and the second equation by -3: (4*) 5a - 3b = 7 --> 20a - 12b = 28 (-3*) 7a - 4b = 11 --> -21a + 12b = -33 And now we add: ----------------- -a = -5 So, a = 5. Substituting a = 5 into one of the original equations, we obtain: 5(5) - 3b = 7 25 - 3b = 7 -3b = -18 b = 6. So, our solution is a = 5 and b = 6. We can check by substituting into the other equation: 7(5) - 4(6) = 11 --> 35 - 24 = 11. It works! 3b. First, let's cancel the c's by adding the first and third equations: 3a + 5b - 3c = -4 2a + 2b + 3c = 5 ------------------ 5a + 7b = 1 Now, we need another equation involving only a and b. This means we need to cancel c's in a different pair of equations. Let's try the 2nd and 3rd. To make the coefficients cancel, we need to multiply the 2nd equation by 3 and the 3rd equation by 2: (3*) 2a - 5b - 2c = 14 --> 6a - 15b - 6c = 42 (2*) 2a + 2b + 3c = 5 --> 4a + 4b + 6c = 10 And now we add: ------------------ 10a - 11b = 52 We now have a system of 2 equations in 2 variables: 5a + 7b = 1 10a - 11b = 52 Let's multiply the first equation by -2, and add: (-2*) 5a + 7b = 1 --> -10a - 14b = -2 10a - 11b = 52 --> 10a - 11b = 52 And now we add: --------------- -25b = 50 b = -2 Substitute b = -2 into an equation that has only one more variable: 5a + 7(-2) = 1 5a - 14 = 1 5a = 15 a = 3. We now have a = 3 and b = -2. Substitute into an equation containing all three variables, such as the first original equation. 3(3) + 5(-2) - 3c = -4 9 - 10 - 3c = -4 -1 - 3c = -4 -3c = -3 c = 1 Therefore, our solution is (a, b, c) = (3, -2, 1). We can check by substituting into the other equations: 2(3) -5(-2) -2(1) = 14 --> 6 + 10 - 2 = 14 --> 16 - 2 = 14. Yes! 2(3) + 2(-2) + 3(1) = 5 --> 6 - 4 + 3 = 5 --> 5 = 5. Yes! 5a. The first term (a_1) of this geometric sequence is 10/16. What is the common ratio? We could divide a_2/a_1 to give us r = (10/8) / (10/16) = 2. The formula for a_n is a_0 r^n, where a_0 is the mythical "zeroth" element. This is 10/32. a_n = (10/32) 2^n Throughout this problem, you could of course reduce the fractions. I chose not to simply so that it would be easier to spot the common ratio. 5b. The formula for the first n terms of a geometric series is r^n - 1 (first term) ------- r - 1 To see why, note that the fraction above works out to r^(n-1) + r^(n-2) + r^(n-3) + ... + 1. And if you multiply each term of this series by a_1, the first term, you obtain all the terms in the series! a_1 (r^n - 1) / (r - 1) = (10/32) (2^n - 1) / (2-1), So our sum is simply (10/32)(2^n - 1). 6. Use the binomial theorem: C(10,3) = (10 * 9 * 8) / (3 * 2 * 1) = 720 / 6 = 120. 7. Set the parts equal. The coefficients of x^2 must match, and the coefficients of x must match. (The constant terms must also match, and we see they are zero on both sides). Coefficients of x^2: 7 = 2a + 5b Coefficients of x: 18 = 3a So, this question is a system in disguise. The second equation gives us a = 6. Substituting into the first equation, we have: 2(6) + 5b = 7 12 + 5b = 7 b = -1. So, a = 6 and b = -1. 8. In this problem, all the logs are to the base 10. Note that log 10 = 1, so that log 5 = log (10/2) = log 10 - log 2 = 1 - 0.3 = 0.7 The number of digits is approximated by the log. So, the question is asking for log(5^n) = n log 5 = 0.7 n.