Our current learning environment has made it necessary for me to draw up a policy regarding how to take an exam remotely. If you are taking an exam remotely in this class, then there are certain procedures you need to adhere to. In the interests of equity, we need to make sure that your home testing environment closely matches that of the classroom as much as possible. You need to be visible during the entire exam. Just as students in the classroom are not allowed to bring a blanket and hide under it while taking the test, students taking the exam remotely similarly need to be visible. You need to be logged into our class Zoom meeting. Your computer's camera needs to be positioned and aimed so that the following are in its field of vision as much as possible: your head, your upper body, your arms and hands, and the desk. The camera should be as close as possible while capturing this scene. This is so that I can see you working during the test, just like I can see classroom students working at their desks. So, for example, the camera should not just show your head, and the camera should not have a panoramic view of your entire room. The only items you may use during the test are the are the test paper and writing utensils. You will not need a calculator because the test does not involve intensive calculations. You may not consult any books, notes, or devices during the test. These restrictions apply to the classroom test takers as well. Students taking exams remotely will be given some extra time to account for handling the logistical arrangements of receving, printing, scanning and sending the exam paper properly. It is not intended to give you extra time to work on the exam itself. If you are taking the test remotely, then I will e-mail you the exam 10 minutes before the class' usual start time. I encourage you to print out the exam and begin immediately. If you do not have a printer, or the copy comes out poorly for whatever reason, then you may write all your answers on blank paper. When you are finished with the test, you must scan your pages and e-mail the document as an attachment back to me. Please do this promptly. Test papers received more than 10 minutes after the official end time of the class may be severely penalized. Also, you should wait for an acknowledgement from me, in case it becomes necessary for you to rescan or retransmit something. Taking exams is always stressful, and I realize that the gut may not cooperate with your plans. Please use the rest room before the exam. You do not need to ask my permission to get up to use the rest room during the exam. But please note the following policy: For exams 1 hour or shorter in duration, I expect that you will not need a bathroom break. For exams 2 hours or longer, you may have a single bathroom break. If you exceed this limitation, or if you are away from your desk for an unreasonably long time, this fact may be reported to the Academic Discipline Committee and the Associate Academic Dean. Good luck on the test!