The following lists the main goals pursued by the SISC project, in decreasing order of priority. 1) Standards Compliance - full compliance with R5RS - comprehensive numeric tower - support for most of the optional elements of the standard - reporting of errors in all error situations defined by the standard 2) Compact, Clean Code Base - elegant - doing the "right thing" philosophy - easy to extend - easy to refactor 3) Good Performance - be the fastest Java-based Scheme Interpreter - be one of the fastest Schemes when it comes to capturing and invoking continuations 4) Small Footprint - small size of "executable" (jar + heap image) - small (for a Java-based program) memory footprint 5) Comprehensive Set of Libraries - access to any Java library from Scheme - support for most SRFIs - integration with SLIB 6) Suitability for "Real World" applications - comprehensive documentation - thread safety - embeddable into other Java applications - good error reporting / debugging capabilities - module system - object system The order of priority is not followed religiously. For instance, small sacrifices in code elegance and compactness in exchange for performance speed gains are acceptable.