Discussion questions for April 7, 2009 web spam.pdf "Spam: It's Not Just for Inboxes Anymore" Computer, Oct. 2005, pp. 28-34 1. Why do the authors believe that Web spam is worse than e-mail spam? Do you agree with their reasoning? 2. Types of spam/Example spam tactics (create page of only affiliate links) 3. How do search engines respond to spam? democracy & filtering.pdf "Democracy and Filtering" Communications of the ACM, Dec. 2004, pp. 57-59 4. What does the author mean by "filtering"? What concerns does the author have about it? Why is it a "danger" to democracy? 5. What aspect of social psychology is discussed in the article? 6. How important are "intermediaries" and "common spaces" ? Are they a panacea? 7. What assumptions is the author making? Are there possible flaws in the argument? academia censorship.pdf "Balancing Free Speech and Censorship: Academia's Response to the Internet" Communications of the ACM, Nov. 2003, pp. 105-109 8. Why do some colleges censor Internet access? Why does this issue exist? Give your overall impression as to how fair and effective such censorship policies may be. 9. How does the issue of Internet censorship differ depending on the type of institution offering the service (e.g. school, library, office, cafe)? 10. Is there a distinction between the freedom of expression on the Internet and the freedom to discover other people's expression? Also comment on other issues raised by the article.