Discussion questions for April 9, 2009 Let's take a look at some laws that deal with restricting freedom of speech on the Internet. The online folder cs.furman.edu/~chealy/fys1107/free-speech contains some short articles outlining these laws and a couple of cases where such laws have been violated. You may find it helpful to find some further information on the subject. Singapore: Sedition Act 1. What does this law say? What is its purpose? As you read the law, what sort of actions do you think it is trying to prohibit? 2. How exactly did Benjamin Koh Seng Huat, Nicholas Lim Yew and Gan Huai Shi violate the sedition law? Do you think the punishments were generally appropriate? Canada: Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act 3. What does section 13 deal with? How is a human rights act different from the criminal code? 4. What is the rationale behind section 13 and the human rights act in general? 5. Who are these people: Dean Steacy, Richard Warman and Marc Lemire? What is your impression of the CHRC tactics as described in the Maclean's column by Mark Steyn? 6. In Canada, who supports/opposes Section 13? Is this provision a bad idea, or rather a good idea that has been implemented poorly? 7. What do these laws in Singapore and Canada tell us about how people view (Internet) communication in these countries? Are these kinds of laws common around the world?