Discussion questions for April 28, 2009 greening google.mht "The Greening of Google" IEEE Spectrum, Oct. 2007 1. Use Google Earth to take an aerial look at the Googleplex. Does it look like a 'green' complex to you? 2. How much power can be gained from solar panels? How much power do Americans use? How much of this demand can be met by solar? 3. According to the article what are benefits & costs, as well as other factors, of solar technology to consider? 4. What are the most important recommendations from the article? ----- recycle.pdf "Recycling e-Waste: The Sky Is the Limit" IT Professional, Jan/Feb 2008, pp. 50-55 5. How big is the market for recycled hardware parts? How are the materials extracted and re-used? 6. What laws, agreements, initiatives exist to help reduce the ecological damage of decomposing computer parts? To what extent are these efforts successful? 7. Let's consider the ethics involved with recycling: a. Who should be responsible for recycling discarded technology: the retailer, manufacturer, or somebody else? b. Are the various proposals mentioned in the article fair? c. What do you think of 3 principles at bottom of p.51? d. Does it make sense to have people pay to have their machines recycled? 8. In what ways do you find the recycled e-waste industry unusual?