For class discussion, Feb. 5, 2009, three articles about China. - mobile china.pdf "Mobile Data Communications in China" Communications of the ACM, Dec. 2003, pp. 80-85 1. The article states that China Mobile's revenue per user fell dramatically from 1997 to 2003. Do you think such declines are inevitable as mobile usage spreads among the population? How does a company respond to the reduced usage? 2. How did the Wireless Application Protocol offered by China Mobile differ from iMode offered by NTT in Japan? 3. How does China Mobile make money with Monternet? Do you think the pricing structure is reasonable? 4. What are some advantages and disadvantages of the Short Message Service? --------------------------------------------------------------- - china internet hunting.htm "Online Throngs Impose a Stern Morality in China" New York Times, June 3, 2006 5. This article raises issues of free speech, harrassment, and parallels to the Cultural Revolution. What are your thoughts? What sort of Internet posts are inappropriate and should be deleted - and who makes this decision? --------------------------------------------------------------- - chinese manual.pdf "Cross-Cultural Considerations in Instructional Documentation: Contrasting Chinese and US Home Heater Manuals" Design of Communication Conference, Oct. 2007, pp. 221-228 6. This article contrasts technical documentation written in two different languages. Which differences did you find most significant or surprising? 7. What does the author mean by the following phrases: "high context", "high power distance", "polychronic time" ? These terms are briefly introduced at the beginning of section 2. Why are they important? 8. The author makes the point (e.g. Table 3) that the cultural differences between China and US are reflected in the manuals. Do you find the analysis convincing? What is the most important conclusion from the article? 9. This paper is written in a style unlike the others we have read. How is it organized? Who is the intended audience?