For class discussion, Feb. 24, 2009 "Promoting Technology and Innovation: Recommendations to Improve Arab ICT Competitiveness" (Chapter 3 in Arab Competitiveness Report 2007 by the World Economic Forum) 1. What point are the authors making with the contrast between a "cumulative effect of small improvements" vs. "large projects in cutting-edge sectors"? 2. What are the main concerns about the Middle East the authors discuss early in the chapter? Is there more bad news than good news? 3. Considering the data in Table 2, in which areas do Arab countries excel or struggle? What do you think of the variables included in the table? 4. What points do the authors make concerning the infrastructure and "intraregional connectivity"? What is their general recommendation in this area? 5. What hinders innovation in ICT in the Arab world? Are these problems unique, or have we seen them elsewhere? 6. What are some problems with computer penetration & E-commerce in the middle east? 7. Discuss the initiatives undertaken in the UAE and Jordan. What are your impressions? 8. Towards the end of the chapter, the authors give their main recommendations, which include: - promote small and medium sized businesses - how do they suggest this be done? - public-private partnerships - what are some examples? - Are the "best practices" really what is best? Which of these sound best to you? 9. How do these Arab countries compare to some of their neighbors like Israel, Turkey and Pakistan? You may need to go back to the Global Information Technology Report to find relevant data.