For Thursday Jan. 15, read Chapter 1 of the Global Information Technology Report (pp. 3-22) 1. What is this chapter about? Who would be interested in the statistics being presented here? 2. According to the authors, a country's ability to engage in information and communications technology can be measured in 3 areas (page 4): environment, readiness and usage. What exactly do the authors mean by these terms? 3. Pages 21 and 22 show the components that make up the "networked readiness index". In your opinion, which components are more important for determining how (IT) technologically advanced a country is? Comment on some of the components listed. Note that pages 217-220 give details on how these components are quantified. 4. Pages 3-5 discuss the overall results of the country-by-country survey. What major conclusions can be drawn? For example, if a short article were to appear in a major magazine or newspaper about the statistics (like Table 1), what would you expect the article to highlight? 5. On pages 6-14, we see how the various countries are ranked based on the 9 individual areas of the technology survey. Can you find a country whose ranks are inconsistent? (for example, #1 on one measure yet much further down the list on some other measure) 6. What do the authors have to say about the correlation between network readiness and the strength of a country's overall economy? What do the authors mean by a "threshold" on pp. 16-17? 7. What point are the authors trying to make in Figure 9 (Digital Convergence or Divergence) 8. What do the authors mean by "Research Challenges" on page 18? Can you comment on the quality of the data or methodology beyond what is stated in this section?