Chapter 5 of Global Information Technology Report (pp. 87-108) 1. What comes to mind when you think of Finland? 2. What factors have contributed to Finland's rapid growth in its information and communications technology (ICT) sector? (For example, consider its innate advantages, practices undertaken, and economic conditions.) 3. What is "innovation-driven development"? How has this been implemented or realized in Finland? 4. In reading the history of wireless technology in Finland, what stands out most in foreshadowing a boom in this area? What do you find noteworthy about Nokia's history? 5. Who deserves credit for Finland's leap forward in ICT: the government, or private industry, or both? 6. Besides economically, in what ways do companies like Nokia influence society? 7. If Nokia is such a dominant company in Finland, how is it possible that so many other tech companies are able to do business? 8. What possible factors of Finland's success do you think were glossed over or omitted in this chapter? Is Finland vulnerable? 9. Suppose you need to help somebody write a speech to be delivered to a group of leaders (of industry, government or education) in a country of modest size or economic resources. Based on what you have read in this chapter, what pieces of wisdom or inspiration would you want to mention? :) :) Finally, if this chapter has made you curious about this intriguing :) nation or its language of its people, check out these sites: :) :) (General country info) :) (Basic language intro) :)