Two articles: - china industry.pdf "Is Production Pulling Knowledge Work to China? A Study of the Notebook PC Industry" (Computer, July 2006) - hong kong e-commerce.pdf "Current Progress of E-Commerce Adoption: Small and Medium Enterprises in Hong Kong" (Communications of the ACM, Sept. 2003) 1. First, a general question - What is the relationship between China, Taiwan and Hong Kong? 2. From the manufacturer's point of view, how is making a laptop different from making a desktop? What design tradeoffs are there? 3. In the manufacture of a PC, what is meant by the following terms: design, development, and production? What kind of expertise is required for each of these? 4. The first article mentions 3 ways to organize the division of labor of designing a PC: - "in-house design & development" - "joint design & development" - "off-the-shelf acquisition" For each of these strategies, can you give a reason why a company would opt for it? 5. According to the article, what are the relative "skill levels" that are typically found at hardware firms in the US, Japan, China and Taiwan? 6. What is "production pull" ? How does it occur? 7. The first article makes the case that the globalization of computer manufacture has been a boon for China. Has the trend affected the US positively or negatively? Is there a risk that the only tech jobs will be in low-income countries? ---- 8. The phrase "e-commerce" encompasses what activities? 9. What sort of e-commerce activities are small businesses in Hong Kong reluctant to take part in (as of 2003) ? Why do you think they're not interested? Did you find it striking that at the same time, 39% of small businesses do not outsource any of their IT needs? 10. Of the advantages of e-commerce listed in the article, which do you believe is/are the most important? 11. The 2nd article lists "barriers" to e-commerce. Do you think these barriers can be remedied by more money, more time, or ... ? 12. The article concludes with a comparison of Hong Kong to other Asian locations. Do you think this is a fair comparison? What aspects of technology are being measured vs. omitted?