For discussion, March 17, 2009: "E-mailing from Armenia" Computer, Oct. 2007, pp. 8-10 1. What kind of computer technology existed in the Soviet Union? How was it used? 2. Through the 1990s, how was Russia connected to the Internet? 3. According to the author, what is wrong with IT in Armenia? ----- "Computing in Post-War Afghanistan" Communications of the ACM, Feb. 2006, pp. 19-24 4. In what ways has building a mobile network in Afghanistan been a unique experience? Why do you think the Communications Ministry made mobile service a priority? 5. How do the cost and penetration of mobile service compare to other countries we have seen? 6. Which computer services are most needed or most advantageous in Afghanistan today? Why? 7. How do Afghans view and utilize technology? 8. What has the Afghan government been doing lately to support its IT access, industry and education? Does the overall strategy seem appropriate for a country getting on its feet? 9. What important risks and opportunities are there for the future? Consider recent events in Afghanistan and other factors not mentioned in the article.