Discussion questions for March 31, 2009 law e-commerce.pdf "Rule of Law and the International Diffusion of E-Commerce" Communications of the ACM, Nov. 2005, pp. 57-62 1. According to the article, what are some non-economic reasons why a country would spend less of its money in e-commerce? Why is this an important topic? 2. According to the authors, why is "rule of law" especially important for e-commerce? 3. When you look at Figure 1, how would you characterize the countries below the curve contrasted from those above it? 4. The authors identify 4 primary factors to determine a country's level of e-commerce activity: financial vehicle resources, technical knowledge, payment mechanism, and readiness. Explain why these factors may be significant. 5. What were the findings of the authors' study? Which variables most directly affect the amount of e-commerce? 6. Do you have specific criticisms on the study? For example, what do you think about the methodology (e.g. choice of countries to examine, the formula used for measuring rule of law)? -- culture differences.pdf "Explaining Cultural Differences in Decision Making" Communications of the ACM, Aug. 2002, pp. 93-98 7. What is the difference between DC and GDSS? Why did the authors choose to study DC? 8. Is a meeting free of conflict desirable? Explain the 3 conflict resolution patterns (avoidance, distributive, integrative) in your own words. 9. How do the authors contrast Australian versus Singaporean culture? How do these differences play out in the results of the study? Do you agree with the authors' conclusions?