Central Piedmont Community College - Grade Distribution
Year Average Std. Dev.  % A % B % C % D % F
1997-98 2.98 1.11 41 31 18 5 5
1998-99 2.77 1.33 39 28 17 5 12
1999-00 2.81 1.31 40 28 17 4 11
2000-01 2.87 1.24 40 30 17 4 9
2001-02 2.86 1.23 39 30 18 5 9
2002-03 2.87 1.23 39 30 17 5 9
2003-04 2.84 1.27 39 29 17 5 10
2004-05 2.81 1.29 39 29 17 5 11
2005-06 2.78 1.31 38 29 17 5 11
2006-07 2.75 1.33 38 28 17 5 12
2007-08 2.71 1.34 37 28 17 5 13
1.  Source of data (accessed Feb. 11, 2009):
2.  Percentages include only A-F grades.
3.  In 1997-98, there were far more W grades than in later years, hence the
      lower percentage of F's that year.