Clemson University - Grade Distribution (Fall semesters)
Year Avg. Excellent Satisf. Pass Deficient Fail
1920 1.97 11 45 32 7 4
1921 2.04 15 44 30 6 6
1922 2.02 15 40 35 5 4
1923 1.90 12 38 41 7 3
1924 2.04 14 43 35 6 2
1925 1.94 13 40 36 7 4
Year Avg. % A % B % C % D % E % F
1927 1.89 7 21 32 24 8 7
1929 1.99 9 22 34 23 6 6
1930 1.99 9 22 36 23 5 6
1931 2.00 8 23 37 22 5 6
1932 1.96 8 21 35 23 6 6
1933 1.99 9 22 35 21 5 8
1934 1.99 9 22 36 22 5 7
1935 1.92 9 21 34 20 5 11
1936 1.91 8 21 35 22 4 10
1937 1.95 8 22 35 21 3 9
1938 1.92 9 22 32 23 3 11
1939 1.95 9 23 33 22 3 11
1940 1.89 8 22 33 22 3 12
1941 1.93 8 22 33 21 5 10
1946 2.12 11 29 31 18 1 11
1947 2.14 11 29 31 18 1 10
1948 2.01 10 25 33 19 1 12
1949 1.98 10 25 33 18 1 14
Year Avg. % A % B % C % D % F
1950 2.04 10 26 33 21 11
1951 1.97 9 24 34 22 12
1952 1.98 9 24 34 21 11
1953 2.08 12 25 32 20 11
1954 2.16 14 27 31 18 10
1960 2.02 12 25 31 17 15
1962 2.09 13 26 31 17 13
1964 2.17 14 28 31 16 11
1965 2.20 14 28 31 16 10
1966 2.29 15 30 32 14 9
1967 2.30 15 30 32 14 8
1968 2.31 15 31 31 14 8
1969 2.37 17 32 31 13 8
1970 2.41 19 31 30 12 8
1971 2.45 20 32 29 11 8
1975 2.72 29 33 25 8 5
1984 2.75 27 36 26 8 3
1989 2.77 28 36 24 8 4
1992 2.83 31 35 23 7 3
1994 2.87 32 35 22 7 3
1996 2.90 34 35 20 7 3
2000 2.96 38 33 19 6 4
2001 2.99 39 34 18 5 4
2002 3.04 41 34 17 5 3
2003 3.04 41 33 16 5 4
Sources of data:
Clemson University Library, Special Collections, University Archives, 
   Series 10:  Folders 15, 21, 23, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 105-108
   Series 36:  Folder 13
   Series 93:  Folders 1439-1441
"Summary Analysis of Plus/Minus Grading at Clemson University"
   accessed from Clemson Web site in 2005
1.  Grades for 1992 are from spring rather than fall.
2.  Percentages do not include incomplete or withdrawal grades.
3.  Before 1926, the grading scale was:  
      Excellent = 90 to 100, Satisfactory = 70 to 89, Pass = 60 to 69
      Thus, a "satisfactory" grade is roughly equivalent to grades of B and C.
4.  Average grades have been computed retroactively according to a 4.0 scale,
      although Clemson did not adopt this system until 1953.
5.  Deficient and E grades have been given the same quality point value
      as D.  This may be slightly optimistic, but this compensates for the fact that
      fall grades tend to be lower than the rest of the year.