University of Georgia - Average Grade Awarded (Fall, undergraduate)
Year Average
1950 2.40
1974 2.74
1975 2.74
1976 2.72
1977 2.66
1978 2.71
1979 2.70
1980 2.69
1981 2.66
1982 2.67
1983 2.66
1984 2.69
1985 2.63
1986 2.60
1987 2.61
1988 2.62
1989 2.66
1990 2.64
1991 2.73
1992 2.79
1993 2.81
1994 2.88
1995 2.93
1996 2.97
1997 3.02
1998 3.05
1999 3.07
2000 3.13
2001 3.15
2002 3.17
2003 3.23
2004 3.25
2005 3.22
2006 3.20
2007 3.20
1.  1950 GPA is estimated based on data from "High Grades and Low Grades,"
      by Van Cleve Morris, College & University Journal, April 1953, pp. 317-319
2.  Source of 1974-2007 data (Accessed Feb. 8, 2009):  and UGA fact books.
3.  The grade distribution in 2005-2007 was approximately as follows:
      46% A,  36% B,  13% C,  3% D,  2% F