University of Hawaii at Hilo - Average grade by subject (fall)
Year Science Social Science Humanities
1996 2.73 2.97 2.95
1997 2.71 2.94 2.88
1998 2.76 2.90 2.93
1999 2.76 2.98 2.94
2000 2.74 3.05 2.95
2001 2.78 2.98 2.99
2002 2.81 2.99 2.99
2003 2.80 2.98 3.11
2004 2.74 3.01 3.08
2005 2.77 3.05 3.21
2006 2.75 3.04 3.06
2007 2.77 3.03 3.16
Source of data (Accessed April 19, 2009):
      and earlier editions.