Texas A&M University
Average grade in undergraduate classes - fall terms
Comparing:   Science and Humanities
year Science avg Humanities avg
1985 2.46 2.56
1986 2.46 2.64
1987 2.46 2.61
1988 2.46 2.64
1989 2.49 2.70
1990 2.52 2.75
1991 2.60 2.86
1992 2.61 2.82
1993 2.63 2.83
1994 2.62 2.87
1995 2.63 2.86
1996 2.65 2.93
1997 2.64 2.88
1998 2.61 2.91
1999 2.67 2.92
2000 2.62 2.87
2001 2.68 2.86
2002 2.68 2.87
2003 2.67 2.88
2004 2.66 2.91
2005 2.62 2.83
2006 2.56 2.84
2007 2.59 2.92
2008 2.63 2.95
Source of data (accessed Jan. 31, 2009):