University of Central Florida - GPA Percentiles of the 1997-98 graduating class
Top x % Business
Education Engineering Arts &
Health &
Public Affairs
2.5% 3.837 3.898 3.866 3.851 3.865
5.0% 3.706 3.833 3.727 3.752 3.759
7.5% 3.621 3.774 3.616 3.688 3.678
10.0% 3.555 3.730 3.568 3.608 3.624
12.5% 3.493 3.670 3.509 3.549 3.575
15.0% 3.437 3.623 3.440 3.492 3.535
17.5% 3.385 3.584 3.400 3.448 3.484
20.0% 3.329 3.538 3.347 3.397 3.444
22.5% 3.278 3.516 3.314 3.352 3.400
25.0% 3.232 3.475 3.280 3.308 3.358
27.5% 3.195 3.441 3.240 3.272 3.319
30.0% 3.158 3.406 3.196 3.240 3.292
32.5% 3.129 3.377 3.162 3.205 3.258
35.0% 3.092 3.352 3.128 3.169 3.228
37.5% 3.059 3.322 3.083 3.130 3.201
40.0% 3.022 3.295 3.049 3.093 3.179
42.5% 2.992 3.271 3.017 3.058 3.140
45.0% 2.959 3.244 2.994 3.028 3.112
47.5% 2.930 3.222 2.956 2.998 3.083
50.0% 2.901 3.195 2.921 2.962 3.051
55.0% 2.855 3.139 2.855 2.900 3.000
60.0% 2.797 3.092 2.797 2.839 2.944
65.0% 2.736 3.043 2.743 2.767 2.879
70.0% 2.677 3.007 2.667 2.696 2.818
75.0% 2.619 2.971 2.605 2.618 2.754
80.0% 2.565 2.902 2.551 2.557 2.669
85.0% 2.497 2.856 2.481 2.477 2.582
90.0% 2.412 2.790 2.398 2.390 2.476
95.0% 2.311 2.701 2.302 2.277 2.329
100.0% 2.031 2.429 2.076 2.013 2.045
Data downloaded from the Website of UCF's Institutional Research office , circa 2000.