1) All of the following statements are TRUE regarding raw data EXCEPT: A) Information is another name for data. B) Raw data is unorganized. C) Raw data may be numeric or text. D) Raw data without context is meaningless to users. 2) To show the relationship between two numeric variables, you would use a ________ chart. A) Scatter B) Cluster C) Surface D) Radar 3) A(n) ________ is a line that uses current data to display the progress or general direction of the data. A) trendline B) major gridline C) axis D) minor gridline 4) Which of the following lists follows Excel's order of operations? A) Exponentiation Parentheses Addition and subtraction Multiplication and division B) Exponentiation Parentheses Multiplication and division Addition and subtraction C) Parentheses Exponentiation Addition and subtraction Multiplication and division D) Parentheses Exponentiation Multiplication and division Addition and subtraction 5) Following Excel's order of operations, what is the result of the formula =10-4/2*(5-2)? A) 9 B) 8.5 C) 4 D) 13 6) The keyboard shortcut to hide or show formulas in a worksheet is ________. A) Ctrl + ~ B) Alt + ~ C) Alt + @ D) Ctrl + @ 7) Managers at the Turquoise Oasis Spa are interested in knowing whether there is a relationship between the age of their clients and the amount of money they spend in the spa. Upon analyzing the data, they found a correlation coefficient of .872. Thus, the relationship between the two variables is ________. A) weak B) strong C) moderate D) very weak 8) If cell B7 contains a value that is greater than 20, and "ORDER" will be displayed when the logical test is TRUE, which of the following contains the correct IF function syntax? A) =IF(B7>20, "OK", "ORDER") B) =IF(B7<20, "ORDER", "OK") C) =IF(B7>20, "ORDER", "OK") D) =IF(B7<20, "OK", "ORDER") 9) The Turquoise Oasis Spa places orders for cases of bath salts through a nearby wholesaler. To summarize several orders worth of data, it may prove beneficial to determine how many orders of bath salts were for 1 to 10 cases, between 11 and 20 cases, 21 to 30 cases, 31 to 40 cases, and more than 40 cases. This is an example of ________. A) calculating variances B) sample populations C) a probability distributions D) grouping the data into bins 10) ________ variables are often used to categorize responses in a survey. A) Nominal B) Ordinal C) Interval D) Ratio 11) ________ data measures the size of the difference between values. A) Nominal B) Ordinal C) Interval D) Ratio 12) Which of the following is NOT a unit value option for the DATEDIF? A) Y B) M C) H D) D 13) Which of the following functions returns the number in the middle of a set of numbers? A) MEAN B) MEDIAN C) AVERAGE D) COUNTA 14) The second argument of the IF function is ________. A) [value_if_true] ) [logical_test] C) [value_if_false] D) [criteria] 15) When creating a PivotTable, fields from the PivotTable Field list entries can be dragged and dropped to each of the following quadrant areas EXCEPT ________. A) Variables B) Column Labels C) Values D) Row Labels 16) Which What-If Analysis tool would be best at determining how much you can borrow for a car loan while paying only $275 a month? ______ A) Scenario Manager B) Solver C) Goal Seek D) Data Table 17) By applying a filter to a table, you can determine which data are shown. 18) To calculate the mean in Excel, the AVERAGE function is used. 19) Outliers are data that are abnormally different from the other values in a random sample. 20) A histogram is a statistical graph that summarizes the distribution of data and how the data fits into defined bins. 21) A normal distribution is displayed as a bell curve on a chart.