Web Authoring Assignment

Due: Tuesday, April 28, 5:00 p.m.

The objective of this project is for you to demonstrate a reasonable proficiency in authoring documents for distribution on the World Wide Web (WWW) using HTML. You are to design and create a Web site of moderate size and install it on the Furman University student web server.

The subject of your site is left completely up to you. The only requirement is that it must have some focus. It cannot be a random collection of pages.

The web site that you create should have at least the following characteristics. It may contain additional features and enhancements at your discretion, and you are encouraged to experiment. Extra credit consideration will be given for features beyond these:

When you complete the Web site you must place it on the student Web server so it will be accessible on the Web. Be sure to test your site once it is loaded on the server by accessing its URL from your browser, then checking all its links and features.

Important note: This site should have its own folder in your server account, with its own index page (called index.html). When you upload it the first time, simply copy your entire folder to the student server. This is different from when you first uploaded your personal site for CSC-101, and you uploaded only the files, not the whole folder. The reason is that your personal site is the one that you want people to see when they go to your "root" or "home" directory -- http://students.furman.edu/~userID/. Specialized sites like this project should all have their own folder. (And the folder should have a logical, meaningful name, with no spaces or punctuation in it.)

What you should turn in:


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