Feb. 1, 2005 Issue of CIO Magazine


Invitation To Steal

The more you automate your critical business processes, the more vigilant you need to be about protecting against fraud.



Frank W. Abagnale has a message for CIOs who think automation will save loads of money and protect their companies from fraud. Abagnale, the muse for the movie Catch Me If You Can, is the notorious con man who kept the FBI at bay for decades while he embezzled millions of dollars out of unsuspecting individuals. His message: Automation—business processes run automatically without human intervention—could actually make fraud easier and cost more in the long run.

"What I did 40 years ago as a teenager is 2,000 times easier to do today," Abagnale says now. "Every day, criminals are realizing that crime is getting easier than the day before because corporations are going digital."

Why trust a former fraudster, you might ask? Because he and other fraud experts can prevent you from being defrauded by criminals who attack corporate networks for information that they can harness to steal on a large scale. And indeed, Abagnale is among a growing army of consultants who are working with CIOs at some of the nation's largest banks to fight what many believe will be a surge in check fraud, already at $19 billion a year, as banks move from processing paper checks to transporting digital check images to other banks and customers.

The Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act (Check 21), a federal law that allows for the creation and processing of digital check images and substitute checks, is one of the more significant business process automation transformations in the private sector. It is expected to save the banking industry $2 billion to $3 billion a year in labor and transportation costs, which include flying 42 billion checks around the country every year. Yet Check 21 also creates a higher risk of fraud and abuse. As banks make digital images of checks available to customers online, criminals can more easily gain access to the information they need to create counterfeit checks. All they have to do is obtain a customer's user name and password.


"Criminals are realizing that crime is getting easier because corporations are going digital."

- Frank Abagnale

Fraud is affecting not only the financial industry but other industries as well. Health care, transportation, utilities, retail, government, entertainment and others are all vulnerable. Indeed, any business that operates a network to process payroll, employee personnel information, contracting or financial reporting could be a victim of fraud. And if you don't think it will happen to you, think again, warns Toby Bishop, president and CEO of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE). "This is only going to get worse," Bishop warns. "Pretty soon we will have war rooms with technologists working 24/7 fighting fraud."

The bad news is that completely eliminating fraud from business is impossible, experts say. The good news is that CIOs can minimize the potential for losses by developing antifraud strategies in the initial design phase of an automation project, and continuing to make it a high priority throughout daily operations. But this requires a revolutionary shift in thinking and culture for many organizations. That's because too many CIOs, including most of the executives we interviewed, don't consider fraud prevention a high priority. They tend to be much more focused on the ROI of business automation and the improved service to customers rather than the vulnerabilities a new electronic process creates.

As IT automation becomes more critical to corporate revenue, an entirely new mind-set is necessary. Mark Tizzard, vice president of strategic integration for Wachovia Bank, admits as much.

"Sometimes you roll out programs and see what happens," Tizzard says. "But this is different. People need to be prepared."

Denial Ain't Just a River in Egypt
For the vast majority of CIOs interviewed for this article, preventing fraud is simply not a top priority. Nor is it something many are willing to talk about. About a dozen CIOs we contacted in the retail, investment and manufacturing sectors refused to talk to us about how they are defending themselves against fraud—if at all.

Of those who did talk to us, many have the mistaken perception that automation will reduce fraud. One CIO for an insurance company told us that when company executives agreed to deploy a new electronic process to handle claims, the business argument behind the system was not only to lower costs but to reduce the incidents of fraud as well. The executives had not considered the possibility that the system could create opportunities for new, more virulent means of fraud. "I really haven't given it a whole lot of thought," he says.


"I don't think we know yet where all the fraud opportunities can or will manifest themselves until we get further into digital check processing."

- Wilton Dolloff, Huntington Bancshares

Many CIOs are also hampered by misperceptions about who commits fraud. For instance, while executives think that fraud is typically committed by outside criminals, research shows that about 85 percent of all fraud is perpetrated by employees. These inside fraudsters will account for an estimated $660 billion in losses this year, up from $600 billion in 2002, according to the ACFE. The typical employee who commits fraud has many years with the company, is an authorized user, is in a nontechnical position, has no record of being a problem employee, uses legitimate computer commands to commit the fraud and does so mostly during business hours.

For all of these reasons, CIOs seem to be seriously underestimating the potential for fraud with automation. According to a 2003 KPMG survey, 43 percent of IT executives believed fraud would decrease in the future. By comparison, only 7 percent believed fraud would increase. As a result, CIOs are underequipped to deal with the problem. Only one-third of companies have a comprehensive fraud program in place, according to a recent survey by PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Yet at the same time, more than 80 percent of companies reported that attacks on their networks have increased, and one in five said a hacker has infiltrated their company's network, according to the Computer Security Institute. What's troubling about these statistics is that corporations are now automating processes directly linked to generating revenue and profits. In years past, CIOs focused on easier, less critical processes, such as electronic employee expense forms and giving employees the ability to sign up for vacation time online. Now, CIOs are automating the processes central to a business's operations. This promises to bring a higher rate of ROI, but also a higher risk of fraud and abuse. It's as if CIOs are playing a version of the arcade game whack-a-mole, only a more costly one. CIOs use automation like a hammer to smash fraud in one place, only to see it pop up unexpectedly in another place.

Automated systems, particularly when they are enterprisewide, are vulnerable for a number of reasons. First, they require significant changes in work processes and cultural shifts throughout the company. Employees are not used to the new processes, and therefore not attuned (nor trained) to see anomalies that indicate fraud. In addition, these new processes tend to be highly complex, which makes weak links in the system more difficult to identify. This could explain why some Russian hackers were successful at hacking into personal accounts at major U.S. banks and online payment services in the latter half of the 1990s, when that online business was relatively new.

"CIOs tend to underestimate the potential for fraud when they change business processes," ACFE's Bishop says. "They tend to fight yesterday's battles," designing defenses for schemes that they know about.

Scamming Digital Checks
Take Check 21, for example. Banks invested in Check 21 for two reasons. First, it will save the industry an estimated $2 billion a year in paper check processing costs. Second, bank CIOs and their executive colleagues believe the automation will cut into the $20 billion that banks lose to check fraud every year. Their reasoning is sound. If a criminal presents a fraudulent check, within hours the bank takes a digital image of the check and sends it to the issuing bank. Using software algorithms, the issuing bank looks at certain aspects of the check—such as the check number, the payee, handwriting and the dollar amount of the check—to quickly determine if the check is valid or not. Under the paper process, the issuing bank wouldn't receive the paper check for days, and the criminal would be long gone with the money.

It's as if CIOs are playing a version of the arcade game whack-a-mole, only a more costly one. They use automation like a hammer to smash fraud in one place, only to see it pop up unexpectedly in another place.

But Check 21 also creates new opportunities to perpetrate fraud. Criminals can more easily steal information from customers' online bank accounts to create authentic-looking counterfeit checks. All they need is the customer's user name and password. Such information can be obtained through phishing schemes that send official-looking e-mails and Web links to a bank's customers, asking them to update their user names and passwords. By breaking into an online bank account and viewing a customer's check images, criminals now have access to far more damaging information that they can use to circumvent a bank's traditional methods of fraud detection. For example, the criminal potentially could:

  • Find out what check numbers the customer is using (if check numbers are significantly out of sequence, it can be an indication that the check is fraudulent).
  • Get an exact digital replica of the customer's signature, which can be downloaded and easily copied using off-the-shelf computer equipment and printers.
  • Mimic the customer's style in writing the date—such as mm/dd/yyyy—and their handwriting style in general.
  • Obtain the names of people to whom the customer frequently writes checks (payees that show up often—such as a mortgage company, a spouse or a dependent—typically do not indicate fraud).
  • Obtain the typical dollar amount that checks are written for so that large dollar amounts don't raise a flag.

Criminals may also gain online access to a customer's credit card accounts and stock and bond investments. Once this information is obtained, "they really have the keys to the financial kingdom of the customer," says Ori Eisen, CEO and president of The 41st Parameter, an Internet, telephone and mail-order fraud prevention company.

Banks claim they will be able to stop payment on fraudulent checks faster because an issuing bank will receive the check image faster. But the speed with which checks will be processed also will reduce the time that a bank's fraud examiners have to identify a fraudulent check. Moreover, most banks plan to destroy the paper check after the image is created. Some banks plan to shred checks immediately, while others will hold on to paper checks for a few weeks or even months. When a check is destroyed, any evidence not captured by the image—such as fingerprints or detailed security features—is lost. Finally, the check image is made on a gray scale, which means it does not show details as well as the physical paper check or a color image of the check. Details in the gray image that could tip off banks that the check is a fraud may be lost.

All these new vulnerabilities lead Frank Liddy, partner in the North American banking practice at the consultancy Unisys, to conclude that bankers have yet to fully realize the extent to which they are susceptible to increased fraud with Check 21. "This is bigger than any bank or banker can realize," he warns.

How to Outwit the Bad Guys
Despite such loopholes, Check 21 and other automated processes are here to stay. So what can CIOs do? A lot, it turns out.

The answers do not lie in better technology for detecting fraud, although that is important, but rather in planning fraud detection for whatever automated process is being installed, and then preparing the entire company for the change through frequent meetings. CIOs will have to reach out to the executive in charge of fraud detection, typically the CFO, and to other executives who play important roles in the work process. They will have to lead the effort to make antifraud strategies one of the key drivers in creating new automated business processes that work.

That's exactly what Tizzard, who led Wachovia Bank's Check 21 implementa-tion, did.

Tizzard says the bank approached the move to Check 21 as it would a merger with a large bank. Even before the law was signed, Wachovia made plans on how it would roll out Check 21, which won't be fully implemented until late 2006. After the law was signed, Tizzard and a small team of other Wachovia executives traveled nationwide to involve everyone in the discussion—from the CEO to department leaders (especially the risk management and loss management groups) to the bank's IT shop and product groups. "Everyone had an input on what the law would do," Tizzard says. "We knew this could be a Pandora's box. We overprepared."

Tizzard and the other Wachovia executives educated managers on how the new automated process would work and what the change meant for them and their customers. Showing bank tellers how to recognize legitimate substitute checks was particularly important. "We were not exactly well-received, but once we began meeting with them, we frequently stayed another hour," Tizzard says.

Wachovia has experienced a 120 percent increase in the number of fraud attempts in the past two years, yet the bank has been able to marginally decrease the monetary value of losses during that same period, says Brian McGinley, senior vice president and director of loss management at Wachovia. However, McGinley reports that the sophistication of the fraud is increasing, and fraud attempts by organized crime are on the rise. As a result, antifraud processes are more important than ever to Wachovia and the banking industry.

To mitigate the risk of fraud from Check 21, McGinley organized a task force within his department to identify what in the new process could potentially create additional fraud vulnerabilities and which of the antifraud measures Wachovia already had in place (both manual and automated processes) could be applied to solve those new issues. For example, McGinley says the encryption techniques and other security applications that protect customer accounts and identities should be able to protect individual check images from hackers.

However, other issues did come up. Bank loss management teams, for example, are not sure how sensitive to make the digital check scanning system that the bank plans to deploy as an antifraud measure. The system will use biometrics to compare a genuine check—such as a check written for a small amount to, say, the electric company—with newly written checks under the same account. For example, the system will compare signatures, as well as the placement and accuracy of the Wachovia logo, and verify the Magnetic Image Character Recognition (MICR) line, which is the magnetic ink that prints the router and account numbers at the bottom of the check.

Wachovia can program the system to send questionable checks back for nonpayment or to a database and fraud queue so that an analyst in the group can examine the check for accuracy. But customers often do not follow predictable behavior, such as using sequential checks. And with joint accounts, business partners or husbands and wives will have different handwriting styles and may use different series of check numbers, both of which make identifying the exceptions more difficult, McGinley says. So the question remains: Just how sensitive should the automatic scanning system be for picking up deviations?

Wachovia also has to decide how the scanning system should interface with other antifraud systems. For example, Wachovia operates an application that scans for deposits that are unusually large, which may indicate fraud. Wachovia plans to link the deposit analysis application with the check scanning analysis, so that if a check scan picks up an anomaly in a signature, for instance, it could link that to an unusually large deposit flagged by the deposit application analysis. Taken in isolation, the difference in the signature may not be significant enough to raise concern, but when matched with the largest deposit in another account, it could increase the likelihood that the check is kicked out for further analysis.

Wilton Dolloff, executive vice president of operations and technology at Huntington Bancshares in Columbus, Ohio, says banks must cooperate in order to trust each other's processes for taking images, analyzing the images and sending what they believe to be lawful checks. That may mean allowing other banks, including competitors, to view check processing operations, and "to know if something breaks on your side or my side, what are we going to do?" Dolloff says.

Dolloff and Tizzard both say that the full impact of Check 21 will not be known for several years. While some steps can be taken to reduce fraud and prepare for it, no amount of planning will eliminate fraud altogether. "I don't think we know as an industry yet where all the fraud opportunities can or will manifest themselves until we get further into it, until we see it on a larger scale," Dolloff says. "We simply don't know how we are going to be attacked." end

Senior Writer Allan Holmes can be reached at aholmes@cio.com.